Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Zoo Trip, Health and Ghosts!

Okay I have been like soooo buuuuzzzzyyyy to update and by the time I sit in front of the computer, I am like so wiped out at the end of the day.

Okay where should I start? Last Sunday we went to the zoo. Kesian si abang Shadiq, merengek nak tengok the 'birds' 'elephants' 'tigers' and 'dinosaurs' (the dinosaur not so sure...) so bila sampai je kat zoo, he was like jumping and running everywhere. We rented the trolley so that we could put both bros in it. Abang was so damn excited and adik juz look like "whatz-all-the-fuss-about" kind of face. He pointed and called out to all the animals, describing their features and the sounds they make, though I not so sure elephants should be 'mooo'...I pointed out the animals to adik as well but he juz look at me, look at the animals and just yawn, sigh... Adik slept after just half an hour but big bro lasted through nearly the entire trip, finishing at kidzworld where he swam and played with the water. After that, we went cruisin' around the rented car that my father-in-law drive.

Me, I was like so busy with National day parades, dinners and school concert preparation so feel like so zombified (whatever that means!)....Herman is so into health these days, taking great care of his diet and going for daily exercises (cycling mostly)...wanted to get rid of his paunch and double chin, intending to lose more weight and keep his fitness up.

Then recently I had this funny and maybe eerie story in school. This kid got a scolding from me coz she did not want to do her schoolwork and lied that she had a tummy ache. I believed her initially and told her to rest. But she played around and disturbed her other classmates who are doing their work. So she got a good scolding from me. She cried to her mummy and told her mummy that she didnt want to go to school. She told her mummy that she didnt like me coz I scold her. Her mummy said okay and told me about it. I told her why and her mum agreed that she had always been quite lazy and always gave excuses not to do her work. The next few days, she still cried to school and this time she told her mummy that she saw ghosts in school.
Wow! Her mummy was on red alert and believe or not, her mother actually placed sweets around the school to so called appease the spirits. My principal got a shock of her life to see all the sweets around the centre.
And she did this for nearly a week until my principal had to talk to her about it coz the other kids actually picked up the sweets after she left and we had to remove them....She agreed but then the next day, we saw her praying outside the centre! With joss sticks and burning hell money, it was really eerie to see her like that... In fact, the girl whenever she came to school, juz cried for a few minutes and stopped after that, playing happily and doing her work. So if you ask me it is just excuses and children sure know where to 'strike' their parent's weakest point. Their family is like very involved in this spiritual matters so they actually believed this kind of story. I had like nearly 100 children in school and they range from two and a half years to six years so dont tell me out of so many only one child can see it...not that I dont believe in ghosts, but I can differentiate an excuse and a truth from a child.
Then today, her mother gave us roti prata to eat which me and my principal is very suspicious of...You never know what they will do right so we didnt eat it but gave it away to somebody else...People sure are weird and even crazy!