Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What are your OPTIONS?

Our agent got sick last weekend so postponed to a later date till he got well. Flu and fever season is in so everybody gotten sick nowadays. Anyway, both of us were discussing and we thought about the kidz, who is gonna take care of them and whatever we need to thought of. The plus and minus points of the options we have. So I list a few here.

1) Get a maid. Financially it will be a bit tight with the levy and salary. However there will be somebody to help you with the household things and cooking. Bad is you can never be sure if you will got a good one....sometimes I see things in my centre what some of the maids are doing behind their employer's back and it aint nice at all...

2) Get a car. Herman could drive us to my mum house here if we were staying at Tampines and drive us back if he isnt working. But financially it will be a bit tight so if we are looking for a car, must be cost efficient and easy to maintain.

3) Change job. That is more applicable to me. Somebody ever said to me that I could work in a childcare and look after the kidz at the same time in the childcare centre. More pay and the children are safe with me all the time. Bad thing is there wont be any more school holidays or term breaks, only rely on public holidays and your annual 14-21 days leave. And I love my current work place so 50-50....

4) Get a house nearby my mum or within the same area. Easy and convenient. But it is an 80percent NO cause its expensive and even the agent advised us against it....Unless either one of my neighbour decides to sell their house then we can have another unit...which I very much doubt they wanted to sell...

So here are my options. I am still weighing them at the back of my mind...but until we move and only then can we make the final decision so until then, just looking out at the options....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Location, location,. location!

Been busy the last few days, surverying flats and comparing prices..I cant believe the cost of flats here. Latest we ask about a 5-room flat here costs around $545k! Kalau mati hidup balik pun masih belum habis bayar!

Reason we are looking around for a new house is currently we are using bank loan. U know how banks and interest rates are so switching to hdb loan. The two boys are getting rowdier and their things are piling up especially since big bro started schooling. So they needed a room and my in-laws are staying with us so we are looking for a 4room flat. 5-room if we can afford it coz the 6 bicycles needed space too, cant leave them outside the house. Each bike costs us around $2k-$3k each so not going to take the risk. Menangis air mata darah kalau hilang beb! Even with so many bicycles, Herman is contemplating of getting another one, crazy! Well, at least I know where his money goes!

Cant afford to get a place here, potong kepala punya harga even though its convenient and we are so much in love with the environment here. We know our neighbours well and even the shopkeepers here are friendly. I dont have to be afraid if the kids run off on their own. Big bro will stop by at the sinseh shop where there is a bench to sit. Small bro will stop by the bicycle shop where he will go around surveying the bicycles there. They dont mind them and even love playing with them.... from the mamak shop who sell briyani to the double storey hawker centre, everybody knows my kids. We know who to go to if you want to go urut, or if you want to berubat pun ada orangnya....everything is within distance, good schools and even my own workplace is a block away.

I wonder if my new neighbourhood will be like that...its so hard to get this kind of kampung atmosphere anymore, 'sigh'. I will really miss this place.
Anyway, we are definitely going to go for Tampines or Pasir Ris area. Probably be getting a car to drive the boys here to my mum's place...The agent will be coming over tomorrow to discuss over the financial matters and whatever thingy but by next month, everything will start to roll in and Insya-Allah by June, we be moving in to our new house.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Shadiq and Writing

Been making a point for Shadiq to do his writing for spelling and ejaan every nite for an hour...the most will be like 2 hours if he is VERY cooperative (or more like in the mood).

He have a lot of excuses when he is writing. Some are like having tummy ache, a sudden itch, frequent peeing, yawnings, drooping eyes and any chance he get to disturb the small bro...Small bro is smart enuf not to disturb the big bro (partly becoz he got caned for disturbing) but still manage to get big bro attention by shouting or playing nearby. Big bro is happy for any kind of distraction...

I made sure that he finished writing at least three to five words at a time, not only improving his alphabet recognition and writing skills, but at least teach him a bit of responsibility to finish his work. I do gave him rewards for every finished work like playing his favourite XBox 360 Ben10 game, watching his favourite cartoons or bringing him out.

Got to go now...big bro is writing and small bro is like trying so hard to get big bro's attention...Siddiq really looks up to his big bro Shadiq and he is also scared of him...proven to cry when Shadiq scold him.