Wednesday, June 11, 2008

11 days and counting......

Wow..time flies so fast especially when you are having your holidays..for me holiday is at home with Shadiq. Well, at least for the past few weeks we kind of develop a routine. Here is the schedule as follows:
6am - 7am : Shadiq wake up and play with his toys for awhile. Ayah go to work.
7am - 930am : I wake up and prepare breakfast while he watch Nick Jr.
930am - 10am : Our bath
10am - 12pm : Breakfast then continue watching Nick Jr.
12pm - 3pm : Shadiq afternoon nap while I clean the house and do some school work.
3pm - 5pm : Shadiq wake up, went for afternoon walk (play ball or cycling)
Stop for a short visit to Nenek Minah house.
5pm - 530pm : Bath again.
530pm - 730pm: Eat our dinner. Shadiq do homework (drawing, tracing or colouring).
After homework, watch tv.
730pm - 10pm : Ayah return from work and have his dinner.
Shadiq play fighting with his ayah
Ayah complain to ibu he is tired but ibu said "Too bad."
10pm onwards: Shadiq and ibu sleep for the night.
Ayah said "Thank God!" and watch UEFA on cable until nearly 3am.

So that is how me and Shadiq spend the holidays at home. Of course, it is all subject to changes. Like if Tok Botak and Nenek Minah wants to bring him out or ibu suddenly got VERY BORED at home, then we go to my centre. There he gets to play with the toys while I prepare my lesson plans and activity cards for the coming term. Or I get REALLY, REALLY BORED, then we walk around the neighbourhood for a good one hour. If that still made me DAMN BORED, then we take the bus and go somewhere.
But right now, I am still in the REALLY, REALLY BORED phase. Shadiq can be quite a handful and he just cant stop running anywhere, everywhere. So to go somewhere with him, need me to be in the DAMN BORED phase whereby I got energy and patience to spare.
Anyway, being at home nearly everyday kind of made me a bit lazy. Kind of tired just thinking about going back to work. Given a choice I would not even think about going back working, but well, money makes the world go round. With the second baby on the way, I have to do a lot of thinking if I were take that kind of step.

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