Friday, June 25, 2010

Calling To all......

This is the 1 st time I'm blogging...after soooo many yr of having it as you guys normally know that odah is the 1 that spend time here....well from the pic you ppl should know what i'm going talk about....yup...cycling...

Its been my hobby since I met odah....she the 1 to be blame who make me crazy about it....well now I own 4 bikes and 1 coming soon...most of it is collection as they are not available in Singapore....hahaha crazy rite...spent thousands of dollars on it....

Actually I have a crazy IDEA...its to form a family cycling group among us HMS....well if ade connection yg lain nak join why not...the more the merrier....dont care what bike you own or you can rent a bike at east coast for a day or a night during our riding tour as its a two wheeler with pedals....after our bz life this 1 one the best way to release stress and a gd work out to burn thousand of tone of fats in you...this is also a family bonding session....we can organise to ride once a week or twice a week or worst to worst once a month....

So are you ppl daring enough to take dis challenge??? depend on all of you...tag and inform me if u game for it...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What is it to YOU?

its kind of sad but some people I guess are just born that way or worse they are being brought up that way....we experienced hardship from time to time, its God way of making sure we stay tough and rough. But sometimes something happen very bad and we got to make the right decision..coz a wrong decision can break others while a right decision can probably save your family...but what happens when a dream gets over you?

Everyone has dreams that they wanna fulfill...but sometimes reality sets in and you realise that its more to life than just dreams. To me my family is always placed first, whatever actions I took, the consequences can hit them hard. But some people just dont realise that...its really sad coz its just plain to see that they aint got enough sense and heart in them. You dont need people to tell you that your family is suffering because of you. You dont need years down the road to bear the shame and regret knowing that all the while you have been wrong and YOU are the cause of your family downfall. You dont need all that but unfortunately some people do travel down that road and until they hit smack into a dead-end, they will travel it blindly in the name of SACRIFICE....

its not sacrifice when you hurt the ones you love. Its not sacrifice when you hang your head down in regret later. Its not sacrifice when you know your family in hardship but you dont care. Its not sacrifice when you put yourself first before your family. Its sad and its cruel but life can be hard and unfortunately they never listen until its too me its SELFISHness at its peak and its selfishness that drives people headlong towards disaster and its selfishness that will only bring shame to them...

How do you save these people? These people do not want to be saved, they listen to their friends more (some friends just wanna kill you) but never to their heart and never to their family. These people even when they hit rockbottom will never admit defeat but blame others for their wrongs. They dont care what others say about them, its just mere wind to their ears. I have no respect for these people, only disgust cause after all that is said and done, in the end its their family who suffer the most.....

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sleepless Night

tried to sleep but cant...kept tossing and turning in bed...regardless of the noize Siddiq makes when he sleeps.....

im so troubled by thoughts...why? Cause I hate taking risks. Risks that I know will hit me hard someday and risks that can bring jeopardy. Especially if the risk taken is not of my choosing. It only implicates me and the consequences are very dire...

unfortunately people dont realise that. They do it in the name of good and helping others. But at the risk of jeopardising ur own is something not so heroic...if it backfires, it will only bring disastrous results....

how to sleep when the mind wanders about all this? people dont understand, they say I think too much, worry too much. this is not about me....this is about taking a risk that implicates me without my choosing and I dont like that at all.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Is It Just Me?

I realised that there are people out there who are completely hopeless. When I say 'hopeless', I meant a lot of things. Here are the list:
1) hopeless in life
2) hopelessness in themselves
3) hopelessness of others for themselves
A string of incidents in my life taught me alot of things. Not to rely on others and not everything in life will be given to you in a golden platter. Life is hard and life is tough, yes, but how you brave through life, tells people who you are.

If you are the type to wait on others symphaties and have everything handed to you on a silver platter, make your problems disappear without doing anything, you are hopeless in life and on yourself. God does not give you hardship without a reason. Its there to help you learn your mistakes, find yourself and see where you stand. Are you going to cry yourself in a corner and pray you will die when a problem hits you hard? Or are you going to say "Hey I can survive this. I can do this" and walk out as a survivor with your head up? Which one are you?

But to rely on others when the other party is as hopeless as you are, that is even worse. Its like driving to a dead end, you cant go anywhere else. I seen people like that and its kind of sad. The other person just pull you down deeper towards the edge than getting you out of it. In the end, both of them just drag each other down.

I had enough of all these people coz it turns out not only are they hopeless and helpless but also great hypocrites. I guess it probably to hide their 'hopelesness and helplessnes'. They talk of others, pretending to be good and pitiful but underneath it all, lies a very hideous snake, just waiting to bite your head off at the slightest mistake.

I probably sound too preachy but really, just need to let off steam. Coz I am surrounded by these people and I am getting sick of them. So IS IT JUST ME?