Friday, June 11, 2010

Is It Just Me?

I realised that there are people out there who are completely hopeless. When I say 'hopeless', I meant a lot of things. Here are the list:
1) hopeless in life
2) hopelessness in themselves
3) hopelessness of others for themselves
A string of incidents in my life taught me alot of things. Not to rely on others and not everything in life will be given to you in a golden platter. Life is hard and life is tough, yes, but how you brave through life, tells people who you are.

If you are the type to wait on others symphaties and have everything handed to you on a silver platter, make your problems disappear without doing anything, you are hopeless in life and on yourself. God does not give you hardship without a reason. Its there to help you learn your mistakes, find yourself and see where you stand. Are you going to cry yourself in a corner and pray you will die when a problem hits you hard? Or are you going to say "Hey I can survive this. I can do this" and walk out as a survivor with your head up? Which one are you?

But to rely on others when the other party is as hopeless as you are, that is even worse. Its like driving to a dead end, you cant go anywhere else. I seen people like that and its kind of sad. The other person just pull you down deeper towards the edge than getting you out of it. In the end, both of them just drag each other down.

I had enough of all these people coz it turns out not only are they hopeless and helpless but also great hypocrites. I guess it probably to hide their 'hopelesness and helplessnes'. They talk of others, pretending to be good and pitiful but underneath it all, lies a very hideous snake, just waiting to bite your head off at the slightest mistake.

I probably sound too preachy but really, just need to let off steam. Coz I am surrounded by these people and I am getting sick of them. So IS IT JUST ME?

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