Sunday, July 27, 2008

Baby Blues...

I just have to note this down on my blog as a significant detail of my second pregnancy. What happened was last Friday was the starting point of a lot of pain and frustrations. It started with a slight migraine and nausea....shrugged it off as maybe part of the medication side-effects. Then my lower back started to ache. Lie down and sleep for most of the day. Then my stomach start to ache as well as the lower matter which way I turn, walk or sit, the pain seems to be everywhere. In my head, I started to think "Oh no! Don't tell me its time now." Kept praying very hard and talking to the baby not to come out now.

During the night, I break out in cold sweats and despite the medication that supposed to stop the contractions, I can feel the baby pushing down. Kept groaning in pain and praying hard not to let the baby out yet. Shadiq sleep on regardless of my pain so did Herman who was snoring his heart out. When I couldnt take it any longer, I throw a pillow at Herman. He woke up with a start and ask me what's wrong. Imagine that, here I am in pain with both my legs up on the pillows for support and he asked me what's wrong. When I told him, he yawned and said "Okay, just sleep and the pain will go away in the morning." Turned to the side and continue snoring!

'Sigh'....I bear the pain as long as I could then I throw another pillow at Herman again. He woke up, ask me what's wrong again and why I wasnt sleeping yet. To tell you the truth, I was tempted to throw something a bit more heavier than just a pillow. Told me the same thing again that the pain will go away if I sleep. When I insisted that I cant sleep, he told me not to worry and just dont think about the pain. Yeah right...dont think about the pain when I am in pain...actually I was also tempted to just rush out of the door with my maternity bag into the cab and to the hospital.

But I was worried about the baby and so I just kept on praying while Herman was snoring and somehow I just blacked out. Woke up later in the night, shirt covered in sweat and my shorts wet...Had a slight migraine and nausea....couldnt sleep after that....woke up feeling grumpy and angry, grumpy because of the migraine, angry because I am still sleepy and tired. When I told Herman about the whole night incident, he just said, "Oh, I didnt know that."

If you want to know, that is what happened to me when I was in the labour ward. He was also snoring his heart out while Shadiq was pushing his head out. Apparently they had a very comfortable sofa bed and he got tired of standing by my side, so he wanted to sit down for a while. He turned on the TV which happened to be showing a repeat telecast of a soccer match. He watched that until he fall asleep. The nurse came in and commented how loud he was snoring. He woke up when I threw a pillow at him. he changed the channel and said "Hey, Kuch, Kuch Hota Hai." on which I retorted "Kuch Kuch Hotak You! Baby dah nak keluar!" He grinned and said "tak leh tunggu jap ke. The movie just started. Cerita best!" on which I retorted "Why dont you go home and watch?! Im busy here!"

Husbands......I have a feeling that the next trip to the labour ward, it will be the same like the last time. I will be busy pushing and Herman will be busy snoring.

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