Saturday, January 17, 2009

The First Post of 2009

I have been putting off updating because of my sooo-tight schedule and plus Herman have been hogging the computer to play his PC games. I threaten to delete his games and he threaten to buy a laptop for himself only....and after much 'threats' I pouted, frowned and gave up the computer to him, hrumph! I can never 'out-argue' him.

Well anyway, this year just promise to be a very fruitful and hopefully a happy one..Partly because I am placed in-charge of the new Nursery curriculum guide in our centre (doesnt come with a better salary package though, sigh)so lots of challenges and happenings. I have to go a mentoring course by the MOE because of the award I won last year, had a good laugh about that....imagine me MENTORING teachers, hahaha! I cant even mentor the children properly...Herman will probably get his transfer soon, hopefully to the circle line, rumours are going around that he's gonna get the transfer (yippeee!!), my youngest bro is getting engaged (sob!sob!) and Shadiq my darling firstborn is in school, nursery at Jamiyah Kindergarten (waaaahhh!!) Plus my second-born turned 5mths this Jan, too lazy to flip his butt and just content with us carrying him plus he is easily startled. I mean like anything can scare him, from the lift door opening to somebody sneezing or coughing...not like he cry or anything but just pouts or shook his body hard...
Went for my jab today, planned to have another baby probably by three to five years time....

Holidays are all planned nicely for this year too...I plan to take my pending one month maternity leave probably in March and then in June.... plans include going on cruise (Star Virgo), a round trip around Malaysia and probably somewhere over the rainbows (surprise! surprise!) but all this is just under construction yet, nothing confirmed or booked...

Herman will be going for his reservist this 19th Jan until Wednesday 21st Jan.

Will post in some pics that we took when we went to the zoo, Herman's mom birthday, Shadiq in school and other whatever-nots.....the clothes are waiting for me to be folded.

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