Monday, January 18, 2010

What's Up?

Been very tired lately..after the school hols, its been a roller-coaster ride since, wow! I am so hoping for my pay increment, the last time I had a pay increment was four years ago so praying hard it might be better this time....sometimes they can be very tight with the money thingy...even when it comes to bonuses....but at least I am grateful that I have enough to eat, a roof over my head and clothes to wear, extras are a blessing and we must always be happy with what we have. Whatever extras are for our children and our own families to share with.

Shadiq been doing a lot of writing..with in between frequent toilet breaks, aching bones, yawnings and doodling with constant 'help' from the small bro. But at least he finished a few pages and his handwriting 'improved'. Don't ask him to spell though, he memorised it today and forgets about it in five minutes time...'sigh', but still make it a point to try though...hope I am not setting a bad example to anyone, I hate using force to teach as it will only put them off studying and learning anything. The more you scold and force, the more stubborn they become and will only retaliate by not doing anything.

Siddiq is into home renovation. He will take out anything within his reach and placed them somewhere else within his own convenience. So sometimes things got misplaced or hidden beneath cupboards, pails and even in the insides of shoes. Like there was once Herman wore his shoe and he shouted out in pain. Coz a toy was in it and he placed his unsuspecting foot into it. So if anybody need any home improvement, please apply here. But I will not be responsible for any damages or lost properties that will happen, hahaha!

Siddiq is also learning his spelling and unlike his brother, he is able to spell satu, dua and tiga.....but then he is just mouthing the words or more like singing it. Poor big bro had to write and spell and memorise.....but sometimes he can just be so plain lazy!

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