Sunday, January 24, 2010

The River Cruise

Yesterday we brought the kidz to the River Cruise. Macam jakun! We were like taking photos, queueing when its not the time yet, behaving like tourists. Herman commented that I could pass off as one, hrumph! Regardless, Shadiq and Siddiq couldn't contain their excitement as we waited for the boat to arrive.

I was like scrambling around looking for a plastic bag just in case one of the kidz vomit....anyway the boat just of course cruise around the Singapore River, under bridges till the Esplanade. There Shadiq gets to meet his 'Giant Waterfall' as he call it or what we are more familiar of as the Merlion, haha!
Oh well, I remember a few years back, one of my K2 student wrote about the Merlion. We were like writing a few short sentences about our favourite places that we liked to go. His sentences run like this : 'I like to see the Merlion. Merlion spits water into the river.' Hahahaha! I did not mark it wrong but the next sentence crack me up: 'I like to spit water too.'

Anyway back to the river cruise. Guess who started to feel nauseous and dizzy? Not the kidz or the daddy but ME! I broke into cold sweat and my stomach started churning throughout the 30mins journey. It got so bad that when we were like out of the boat, I was like so 'mabuk laut' that I had to cover my mouth, worrying that I might hurl my stomach contents at any poor unsuspecting tourists eating nearby. Siddiq was also a bit dizzy I guess. He started to walk around in circles and had that dazed look in his eyes....but we didnt vomit...We survived with sweets.

Anyway I will download the pics later...just bought a couple of terrapins and Shadiq called them Upin and Ipin! Got to clean the tank and bathe the kidz now so toodle-doo!

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