Monday, February 1, 2010

Shadiq and Writing

Been making a point for Shadiq to do his writing for spelling and ejaan every nite for an hour...the most will be like 2 hours if he is VERY cooperative (or more like in the mood).

He have a lot of excuses when he is writing. Some are like having tummy ache, a sudden itch, frequent peeing, yawnings, drooping eyes and any chance he get to disturb the small bro...Small bro is smart enuf not to disturb the big bro (partly becoz he got caned for disturbing) but still manage to get big bro attention by shouting or playing nearby. Big bro is happy for any kind of distraction...

I made sure that he finished writing at least three to five words at a time, not only improving his alphabet recognition and writing skills, but at least teach him a bit of responsibility to finish his work. I do gave him rewards for every finished work like playing his favourite XBox 360 Ben10 game, watching his favourite cartoons or bringing him out.

Got to go now...big bro is writing and small bro is like trying so hard to get big bro's attention...Siddiq really looks up to his big bro Shadiq and he is also scared of him...proven to cry when Shadiq scold him.

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