Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The New Year

Everything seems to be getting back on back to work, 'playing' thru the hours with the kids at school, kept reviewing the lesson plans and 'entertaining' the newbie parents at school.

Shadiq in K1 now and already I'm panicking...he got English and Malay spelling next week, juz got the list today. Its five words per day, each word around 3 to 5 letters. And already I am stressing myself whether I should push him to pass everything or let everything slide as per normal, letting him progress at his own pace...Herman flipped over the spelling list, saying its too early and whatever complains....I bought a few exercise books, made him write and spell the words until he groans in frustration....then it got me thinking, "Why am I so kanciong? Let him try and if he doesnt get it, its okay. He will get there someday." I close the books and told him to play....'sigh' Baru K1 I already kanciong like what and me being a preschool teacher should know better, what a role model. Just gonna make him write and spell a few words at a time, he will get there someday.

Siddiq is really into exploring. Exploring includes opening cupboards and throwing out its contents, digging out the pots and pans in the kitchen, anything within his reach will have its contents spilled out or put in his mouth.

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