Sunday, May 11, 2008

Shadiq with HFMD (Part 2)

Poor Shadiq, had to be confined to his room the whole day and already he started to get bored. After going through a bunch of VCDs, DVDs (we placed them within his reach so he can pick and choose, he knows how to use the DVD player), he started to throw the toys around and fiddling with mummy and daddy's stuff. Our room started to look like a tornado just went through it. I decided to run down to my centre to fetch a few of my stationaries that he can play and use.
Got a few paints, colour papers, sticky sticks and scissors. I let him play with the scissors first. These are not your normal metal scissors but the plastic scissors that won't cut through flesh and hair, only paper. Got this as one of the Teacher's Day gift.
Here are some pics of what he did during his 'confinement':
Shadiq and his toys...all around the room...

Using the scissors to cut the colour papers.

Finally, he got bored and started to cut his hair..Then he invite his ayah to have a haircut...Anyone else wanna have a haircut, please apply here.

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