Monday, September 22, 2008

My Dynamic Duos

Last Saturday, I got to go for a check-up at Doc Aziz and we brought along the dynamic duos -Shadiq and Siddiq along. Shadiq caught the eye of a 2yr old girl who have long wavy hair, big eyes with thick eyelashes. They walked (even ran) around the clinic holding hands with her, playing and exchanging coins with her. Little bro slept thru, only waking up for his milk and burping. We manage to take pictures with Doc Aziz and little bro. Big bro was just too shy.

Then we went to Parkway Parade to buy our household groceries at Giant. After that, we bought shoes for both our mothers and little bro. Later we went and took pictures of the F1 Ferrari race car. Wow! It was soooo cool! Big bro cried coz he wanted to sit in the car.

The next day Sunday, we went to Bazaar Geylang with my parents, Ais and Ajan, plus all the kids cause Ais wanted to buy their hari raya clothes. We went round and round the bazaar until they found the right clothes. This year they are going to wear silver and Munira's family going to wear brown. We will salvage last few year's clothes which are still too new so will be wearing blue this year.
We bought chapal and songkok for Sadiq and Herman, and an additional kain samping and new blue baju for Shadiq. It was chaos to make him try on every item. Little bro was very good that day despite the heat and sweat. He slept most of the time but open his eyes when we stopped at any shop. Probably curious of the noise around him...
Once we reached home, we manage to make big bro wear the whole suit and....ta dah!

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