Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday I gripe and growl about Shadiq not having a school and everything. Well today Herman got a call from Jamiyah Kindergarten regarding his registration. Apparently its a case of misunderstanding....they thought that we know he has already been given a place in the school and had already made all the payments necessary during the registration. After much explaination from Herman, they apologised for the misunderstanding and told him that we can come down next week to make the necessary payments.

Easy right? Just want to know okay ke tak okay. Penat kan hantar e-mail, telfon berkali-kali, just to confirm tempat. Kalau tak tanya, sekali kita datang untuk first day of school, dia cakap takde tempat, paiseh seh...Yang menghairankan macam mana diorang boleh assume kita dah bayar? Mestilah ada receipt or something to confirm the payment kan? Kalau kita dah bayar, takdalah kanciong macam ni....
Hai Shadiq, belum skolah dah kecoh gini...kalau dah sekolah macam mana gaknya.

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